Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum Lantern


Wedding Chamber

This was once the master bedroom of Cheng Siew and Jee Geok Neo, and later Seng Kee and Joo Suan.

Today it is used to showcase what a bridal chamber bed might have looked like.

Peranakan-Chinese weddings were known to be a 12-day feast of festivities, rituals and merriment. The beautifying of the bridal chamber was a ceremony that would have been conducted by the older ladies of the family before the wedding festivities began.

Blessing of the Bed Ritual

Once the bed was prepared with decorations and cleansed with local Indian incense known as stangee, it would then be ready for a blessing. On the right day and appointed time, a young boy within the family, would be chosen to roll on the bed back and forth three times. It was important that his chinese zodiac sign complemented the couples. This ritual was done to bless the couple with many children, with the hopes of the first being a male.

Bride & Groom Costumes

These are the wedding costumes of Chan Seng Kee and Ho Joo Suan when they were married in December 1917. During the 1900s, wedding attire in Malacca were commissioned from Shanghai or from a Shanghainese tailor that lived in Singapore. These costumes are fashioned from the Qing Dynasty (1644 –1912).
Nyonya Wedding Costume
Baba Wedding Costume
Baba Nyonya Wedding Chun Tok

Chun Tok Ceremony
(Fun & Games)

The Chun Tok ceremony would be the first time the bride and groom would eat as a couple. During this ceremony, a game would be played. Underneath the table, if the groom manages to put his foot over the brides, then he would be the master of the house. However if she manages to put her foot over his, then she would rule the roost.

As the couple eats, the candles would also be observed by on-lookers. The candle on the brides side represented her lifespan, and the candle on the groom’s side his lifespan. The flame to last the longest shows who would live the longest! However just to be fair and politically correct, most family members would snuff out both candles at the same time.

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