Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum Lantern


Birthday & Funeral Showcase


A birthday was always an occasion to be celebrated as a mile-stone! This cloth was given to Gee Geok Neo (Mak Gemuk’s) when she turned 71. She would have donned an imperial-like gown, and shared her joy by giving out red paper packets (ang pow) to all her grandchildren (cucu) and relatives who visited.
Nyonya Birthday / Funeral Gown
Birthday noodles (Mee Suah), glutinous rice balls in syrup (kuih ih) & Eggs

Many dishes would have been cooked for the occasion. Some of the dishes that were a must were noodles (mee suah) to signify longevity, glutinous rice balls in syrup (kuih ih) to celebrate the sweetness of life, and eggs to celebrate fertility for many generations. It would have been a time of much merriment and festivities for the family.


Blue was a colour that became synoymous with Peranakan funerals. Even the cakes (kuih) eaten during the funeral would be blue and white in colour. When Cheng Siew passed away in 1919, all the deities and mirrors of the house would have been covered with white paper. The funeral lanterns would be placed outside the house to let the town know that the master of the house had passed on. A Peranakan funeral must also be odd-numbered. It may have lasted from 7-31 days!

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