
峇峇的文化点滴(A taste of Baba Culture)

注入混血后裔故事生命力(Bringing to life the Peranakan Story)

翡翠山丘的艾美莉,一位新加坡的娘惹(Emily of Emerald Hill, A Singapore Nyonya)

亲戚的歌曲(The Relative Song)


曼士亚都拉(Munshi Abdullah)

马六甲印度混血后裔的博物馆(Peranakan Indian, Malacca Chitty Museum Malacca)

不列颠大国统治下的外籍华人(Overseas Chinese in British Empire)


马六甲:街道上的声音(Malacca: Voices from the Street)

马六甲海峡华裔房屋:当地生活和传统,彼得林著(The Straits Chinese House: Domestic Life & Traditions by Peter Lee)

华裔混血后裔之家:生活点滴的艺术和文化,督特著(The Peranakan Chinese Home: Art & Culture in Daily Life by Tuttle)

东南亚华裔房屋:移民定居者的演变建筑设计(Chinese Houses of South East Asia: The Eclectic Architecture of Sojourners and Settlers)

一本峇峇马来语词典,韦廉魏天阔著(A Baba Malay Dictionary by William Gwee Thian Hock)

被遗忘的马六甲历史(Forgotten Chapters of Malacca)
